Dear gamers,
We would like to thank all the people who took the time to go through the material and send us their feedback. This has been incredibly helpful. Not only have we done a lot of line editing but it also brought our attention to things that were sometimes unclear and, in a few occasions, contradictory.
Several playtesters have requested that we extend the playtesting duration and we also feel that two weeks were enough to review the chapters but not to organize game sessions. Hence, we will extend the playtesting period to the 20th of October.
We realize we are missing our deadlines but we hope you will forgive us and agree that it is more important to have solid game mechanics than to rush for printing.
Some chapters are ready and have already been sent to our designer to work on the final layout and to our translator for the French version so we are making good progress.
I will send out an updated version of the manuscript over the weekend to the playtesters and we will continue to carefully review their feedback and make the final changes.
Once again, thank you for your support and patience.
Sky Gods favor you.
The SoW Team